Michael A. Hinz

President & Co-Founder

Michael has over 25 years of international electronics leadership, design, and manufacturing experience including critical communications infrastructure products for 3G/4G Cellular, Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS), Enterprise WiFi, Microwave, mmWave, and telecom power systems.  His designs have been manufactured and deployed world-wide in the several hundred-thousand units per year volume levels and have incorporated as many as 52 processors and 52 FPGA's in one product.   Prior to Westercom LLC, he was Director of Hardware Systems at Exalt Communications, Inc.  Additionally, he held engineering leadership and architect roles with Cisco Systems, Navini Networks (acquired by Cisco for $330M), Nortel Networks, and Alcatel-Lucent.  Michael holds a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from The University of Texas at Dallas which he completed in the record time of 2.3 years with Magna Cum Laude honors, earning him the College Master's Award for his graduating class.  Subsequently, he completed work towards a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in Computer Engineering at UTD.  


seasoned industry professionals

World Class People


Our executive leadership team has a well-deserved reputation of excellence in providing smart, sensible, and cost-effective technical and business solutions for our customers.


Often, more than one area of expertise is required to bring product to market. Westercom LLC has that breadth and experience navigating products from a napkin-drawing concept to mass production for the world market.

We serve a wide range of clientele, and every customer relationship is valued greatly and treated with dignity and respect. Each engagement benefits from the depth and breadth of our expertise.

Executive Leadership team

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